Wednesday 7 October 2009

When the going gets tough, the tough hide under the duvet

As the week wears on, my self-discipline continues to slip. By postponing yesterday's morning run to the evening, I did manage to stay dry but meant I got stuck at work at a surprise leaving do, so wasn't able to get home in time to do 7 miles of intervals and just did  a 5 mile easy run instead. I haven't dodged the intervals bullet for this week, but have postponed it until Thursday after work, and will have to ensure I leave work in good time, no matter who decides they're going to retire suddenly.

This morning I did stick to my task of 6 miles slow, but it was the psychological task of hauling my body out of bed that was the hardest part. For some reason, my motivation has left me. I know it's dark, and I know I am half-asleep and hungry, but it's more than just that keeping me under the covers. It's the simple fact I can't face the runs right now.

It could be boredom or tiredness or just general Autumn-phobia, but some inner switch has flipped since the weekend and it's now an uphill struggle to get the trainers on and get out there.

It took all my inner coach's efforts to keep me from taking a shortcut and heading home early this morning, and the general lack of motivation is now starting to worry me.

So far, I've managed to display unprecedented levels of self-discipline when following the training and, deep down, I know the secret to that has been (whisper it) the fact I've enjoyed the running. How am I going to continue for the next 3 and a half weeks if I've stopped 'enjoying' it?


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