Friday 16 October 2009

Another brick in the wall

Even the fact that I'm on the last sheet of A4 of the training plan is not enough to motivate me now. Getting ready for every run is still a psychological chore. Although I'm supposed to be tapering, my mileage total for this week is still 36 miles including speedwork. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

The shorter, cooler days aren't helping much. I am filled with admiration for people who train through the winter for the London marathon. It's so depressing - dark in the morning, dark in the evening. It's like some marathon-related SAD.

 But I'm still frightened enough by the prospect of running 26.2 miles without proper preparation that I can drag my lycra-d body out of the door four times a week. At least once I'm out, it's nnot too bad. I'm still enjoying the running itself to some degree, it's just the motivation to get out of the door that has left me.

Lots of people are starting to ask me if I'm getting nervous - I suppose I should be, but I'm so busy trying to keep myself motivated to finish the training, I haven't thought about it yet. I think I'm prepared, so barring injury or virus between November 1, then all I can do is head out there and give it my best shot. I just need to keep dragging myself out, in the meantime, to maintain my fitness and stamina. My mental fitness will just have to wait for another day.


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