Friday 25 September 2009

Hate and love on the streets of London

Last night's 7 mile run didn't start off too well, when a teenage boy decided to sprint after me and try to trip me up. Fairly terrifying at the time, more because I was thinking I would be injured and not able to do the marathon, but after I got home it was scary for other reasons. I'm still at a loss to work out how he missed me, I must just have had my feet off the ground at the right time. Sad to think that this is what teenage boys think impress the girls, but an extra incentive to keep up the interval training so I can really hit the sprint button when I need to.

It wasn't all evil teenagers. On the final stretch home, a different teenage boy told me I had a nice bum. And yes, he did say 'bum', what a nice polite boy!

The bit in between wasn't too bad either - I felt fit again, for the first time in a fortnight and seemed to be ok at tackling the two hills I wedged in there. I'm still crossing everything that New York is flat, because it's just so much easier than running up and down slopes, but at least I'm getting prepared for it if it's not.

I was down to run a 10k race originally this weekend, as part of my original programme, but given the hiccup caused by my lurgy a couple of weeks ago, I've decided to scrap it altogether and 'just' run a gentle 16 miles instead. I had seriously considered getting the bus to the 10k, running the race then running the 9.5 miles back home, but somebody very sensible has managed to talk me out of it. Shame, it might have been fun!

16 miles seems so far at this stage. As I plot a route 8 miles out and 8 miles back, it really makes you think about how far you travel when you do your training. I'm beginning to think I might be mildly insane just attempting this distance, although I suppose the next three weeks will be telling, as I build up to running 20 miles. Apparently you just run the last 6 on adrenaline. I'm just not so sure my adrenaline works so well as the rest of the marathon running community!


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