Wednesday 23 September 2009

A decent interval

With 6 weeks to go until the big 26, and the GNR under the belt, the miles are now starting to increase. I eased myself back, post lurgy, with an interval training session. No, seriously, it was ok. I avoided hills. Seemed to do the trick nicely, so hope those 5 boroughs are flat.

I'm working up to 16 miles this weekend and looking forward to finding out how that feels.

In the meantime, I've been pondering a question that lots of people have asked me recently. When I say I'm doing a marathon, everyone asks how much weight I've lost. The answer is a big fat 'none'. I did think that as the mileage started to get higher, I would see a difference but instead I've stayed a very steady state. Maybe it's the Jaffa cakes. Or recovery shakes. Or a combination of the cakes and shakes.

On a positive note, for those of you thinking that running is waste of time if you don't lose any pounds, you could crack an egg on my thighs. Shame it's winter and I won't get to show them off in their new, highly toned, prime. It's a hard life, this training lark...


1 comment:

  1. Anne Marie!
    Well done - you habe been busy. Ultimate contrats on all your training - You're an inspiration.

    I was only trying to click on your sponsorship page when I clicked on this one by mistake. I am so glad that I did.

    Your a credit to your lycra

