Wednesday 16 May 2012

How I fell in love with strength training

I've already moaned about how my VLM-induced injury has driven me to the gym for cross-training. While this has vastly increased the number of inspiring podcasts I can listen to in a week, it still can't compare to a riverside run in the fresh air. I'm loyal in my relationships and running is a true love. But my sordid gym affair has awakened a new passion for me - strength training.

I'll confess I am lazy. My friends say that running 5 times a week is not lazy, but it is because all you have to do is get changed, pick up your keys and head out the door. I don't have to check my bike tyres are pumped up, I don't have to fill a gym bag, I don't have to take toiletries. I just lycra up and go. I can run home from work or meetings if I need to fit a run in. It's such a convenient form of exercise for a lazybones, low-effort type, like me.

In 5 years of running I have never bothered with any cross training or strength training, apart from bike rides for pleasure and swimming on holiday. My core has remained steadfastly neglected, as anyone who has seen my flabby belly in lycra can testify. But the last few weeks of not running have made me do other things to keep my fitness up. So I decided to work on my muscle strength. And it's been a revelation.

Apparently I have a waist! Who knew after 39 years that one of those lurked beneath the comfortably relaxed, couch potato, stomach muscles? I am fascinated, like a small child with a new toy. I keep poking it, just to make sure I am not imagining it. And it's happened in only 3 weeks, so I can't complain about the speed of results.

I'd say I'm only at a two-pack stage right now (with perhaps a couple of empty plastic loops hanging spare at the side, where someone has removed a couple of cans already) and I've got a long way to go in building upper body strength but I'm inspired by the rapid results to keep going and develop a strong core for my next marathon attempt. Who knows what I can do once I have toned stomach muscles? Who knows how fast I can run with toned upper arms?

So while I remain head over heels in love with running, I might just have to keep my affair with strength training going. I'm hoping it will keep the main relationship fresh, and maintain it for years to come, right into my old (good for) age.

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