Tuesday 28 July 2009

The morning after the night before

Miles:4 Heckles: 0 tummy trouble:0 Stares from strangers: 2

The training plan is back on track. 4 miles easy this morning worked out, well, easy. I had a a brilliant idea to beat the runny tummy - I decided to run so early in the day that my body had not fully woken up and realised that it had a stomach bug to distribute. What a stroke of genius!

Admittedly, running 4 miles while half asleep and on an empty stomach is probably not ideal but it worked so I don't care.

While running, I kept myself awake by musing on the British habit of staring at people who run. I can confirm that this is British because I have run in various parts of Britain, and people stare wherever I am. I can also confirm they stare at runners because no-one ever stares at me when I cycle (apart from that time I fell over in a coach park in Scotland, but that doesn't count because I was stationary at the time).

It could be because a) I'm going slower when I run so I notice it more, b) I am so purple in the face that people think I am going to die, c) people don't exercise (the obesity crisis is alive and well in my local area) so they think anyone who does is a circus freak. Or d) because I'm female and I'm on my own and women aren't supposed to do things on their own in our society. For me, the winner is d) (with a slight smattering of b), especially when doing intervals!). I blame Jacqui Smith and her scaremongering.

Anyway, I'll leave the feminist rant for another day.
The tummy bug rumbles on 'off-road' but I don't intend to run again for another couple of days and I'm crossing the fingers and toes it will be out of the system by then. Literally or figuratively!


1 comment:

  1. enjoyable reading... perhaps to keep it interesting for the author, runner and reader you could set yourself a weekly challenge (which could be a new header) which is connected to the run but is random.....
    liked the tip about jaffa cakes... hmmm x
