Tuesday 21 June 2011

Low five

I'm in week 5 of the training, still running 5 times a week. I'm pretty much fived out, I think.

Two years since my last marathon training, I'd forgotten just how much of a time suck it actually is when you start running longer distances. What with trying to juggle setting up my own business, and this last fortnight sorting out my parents' 40th wedding anniversary party stuff, it's becoming even more of a feat to fit in all the miles.

I'm managing ok, don't get me wrong. But it is that long-forgotten feeling of it taking over your life. Your social life - every social occasion has to be checked against runs scheduled, even a weekend away has to be planned with scope for a run built in. Your home life - every shop contains the requisite amount of protein and carbohydrates, one shelf fully stacked with energy gels and recovery shake mixes, the permanent presence of lycra drying somewhere on the premises. Your love life - all those early starts for long runs really put an end to a long lazy lie in with breakfast in bed, all those evening runs putting an end to nights out midweek.

And as the mileage starts to stack up, now I'm just waiting for the germs to kick in. I'm resigned to the fact I'll get a stinking cold, just like I did when I trained for New York 2 years ago, because I think it is just the body's reaction to the vast increase in weekly mileage. It's just another memory that's coming back to me, another long-buried recollection from the marathon training last time round.

To counteract all these negative memories, I'm putting a photo of me crossing the finish line in Central Park on my desk to remind me of the overwhelming positive feeling you get when you complete the 26.2 miles. That smile tells a thousand stories and puts all the aches, pains, sniffles and increasing laundry bills into perspective. 


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